Tattoo Artistry by
Lord Caktis
John Steven Lesjak

Just got this working
Hello and thank you for checking this site out. Just got it all put together and up. I am really happy with the result and seeing how it works out. Will hopefully have some interesting information coming soon.
September 13th-15th 2013
2013 Steel City Tattoo Convention
The first annual Steel City Tattoo Convention will be coming to the David L. Lawrence convention center. Another great gathering a talent from all over will be focused in one spot for the weekend.
September 6th-8th 2013
Meeting of the Marked 2013
The 21rst annual pittsburgh "Meeting of the Marked" hosted by Pinnacle Tattoo is coming to Monroeville Convention Center. Three days of great tattoo artists and artists of a many different mediums will be attending.